I’m trying to get my brain in gear for school, which starts next week. Yikes.

Last semester I discovered that I don’t depend as much on my hand-written to-do lists and calendars as I had in years past. I had a tried and true system that evolved during my undergrad years, and that I adapted for grad school. Somehow, this past semester, I rarely used it. I still enjoy my little note pad, which comes in handy whenever I have an idea that needs jotting down. But the system as a whole just doesn’t fit me anymore.

Hence, a new tool: Netvibes!

I was made aware of this tool by the Spinstah ages ago, and never really got around to figuring out if it’ll be useful for me. Well, today I spent some way too much time playing with all the widgets, creating tabs, etc. It’s quite fun, if you like organizational tools. I can have access to it pretty much wherever I go, without carrying around my large notebook. I have a lot of things to keep track of, and each area of my life has its own tab and sets of to do lists.

It rules.