So, I’m in complete denial about the time of year. I’m excited for my birthday, yes, but have been in complete denial that the day is in fact tomorrow. Hence, why the notification regarding my birthday plans have been a little, shall we say, slap-dash. Right, so, here we go, then:

Friday, 19 December 2008, 8pm, Chez Nous.

We’ll have plenty of drinks (hard and soft) and snacks, but feel free to contribute if you so desire. No theme this year, just come over and hang out. JeT put out an invite on Facebook, but if you don’t check that sort of thing, um, sorry.

Ok, if you have any questions feel free to call, but I may not pick up because I only have, perhaps three? minutes left on my plan this month and it doesn’t reset until tomorrow, so I suppose the best way to contact us would be through texting, if you’re able to do that sort of thing. Otherwise email’s the second best way to go. I’ll try to check regularly this evening.
