As before, no analysis or even context. Here are my random comments from watching this week’s episode:
Don’t pester Sayid; he’s  been mostly dead all day.

Wow, Kate. You’re a bitch in this reality. Poor Claire.

(it’s really hard to type witth this stupid splint, and i have to look down to type and i might miss something.)

Oh Jack. always getting bitchslapped.

Oh James, I don’t want you to be smokey snacks. Be safe. And, Kate, you better listen to him this time and not follow, but we all know you won’t listen.

Hey, it’s Mac from Always Sunny again. YAY!

Very convincing, kate? You mean with your tongue down his throat. Don’t you dare, Kate.

Hey, is that Booga from Tank Girl in the garage?

The Pit of despair! Don’t even think of trying to escape! Nobody withstands the machine. I’ve just suxked one year of your life away. Tell me: how do you feel, Sayid?

Ticka ticka sound? Yeah, we’ve heard something like that.

Oh Kate, watch out for the booty traps.

“Step aside” was the magic word? I’ll have to remember that.

So, he’s “sick” like Rousseau’s team was sick? What is that a miracle pill? Why is everything a princess bride referece tonight?

Yeah, Asian guy, lay on the guilt trip. Jack deserves it i suppose, but will he be aware you’re obviously manipulating him?

BRAAAIINNNSSS!!!! No, he’s not a zombie.

It’s a miracle pill. The chocolate costing makes it go down easier.

Ooh, tough dilemma for Jack. Sayid trusts him. They playing him like a toy fiddle.

Oh crap… here comes Aaron.

Hmm, Sawyer, whatcha diggin for?  Memories of Juliet? Hey, Kate at gunpoint again. And I wanna know what’s in the box!

ETHAN!!! Dr Goodspeed, eh? Hmmmm. Is he going to take the baby? Is he tricking her? I can’t trust him, even in this reality. OOH she just named zee baybee!

Which time indeed, Sawyer. Bringing up Juliet’s name, Kate, probly not a good idea right now… yes it is your fault kate. And Sawyer’s. You were always looking at Kate when you should have been looking at Juliet. You make me cry. OH it *was* a ring… that’s what we were thinking. So sad.

Duh Jack. it’s a baseball.

Really what’s in the pill? Just tell him. It can’t be any stranger than a time traveling island. Actually, that was a pretty good move, Jack. Too bad it’s poison.

Oh crap… Sayid is claimed? Yeah, by what? So he’s been claimed by the nothing?

Mac, you’re a douche, but you make me laugh. Ah, there she is… crazy scary weird Jungle Claire. She looks a bit like Rousseau did when Sayid first found her.

and we’re done.

Whew. Lots of little bits to mull over.