woooo! Of course all the way down to Maryland and all the way back home, I was pestering him at the end of every chapter to discuss what he’d read, and so after having finished it this morning, there really wasn’t much to talk about. He enjoyed it, but it was such a roller coaster… he’s exhausted! I’ve re-read all the Narnia books, all the HP books, all the LOTR books, the Never Ending Story, read the Golden Compass twice, started several non-fiction books (gardening, etc)… but I need new books. One of the reasons I re-read all those books is because I had to drastically cut my book buying budget this summer. I only bought Golden Compass and NES. That’s it. My birthday, however, is swiftly approaching… ok, it’s not until December, but still, it’s closer than it was in May, so there.

I’m making a book list for my friends and family who want to buy me something. They always want to buy me pressies at my birthday and Christmas, go figure… but most of the time they don’t know what to get me… but no one seems to ask what books I want. So, I’m giving Jesse a list of things I actually want and if someone happens to ask him what they should get me for either of the December holidays (yes, my birthday is a holiday, I’m a princess) they won’t get me another stuffed toy of a snowman or something that is cute and I’ll go “awwww” and then set on a shelf for ever.

If I’m a princess, then I must be ruling over the land of run-on sentences today. sheesh.

I think I ate too many mashed potatoes last night for dinner… I’ve been feeling out of sorts all day. Sleepy, but antsy at the same time. Ill but well. No, sir, I don’t like it.

Replies: 1 Comment… hooray!

Rule of the Bone…read it!

Posted by Lars @ 09/26/2003 02:20 PM EST