Hey, everyone. As you can see, I have decided to use a blogging software to manage my blahg. I used to use Grey Matter, but one of the scripts ran amok on the server, and I had to stop using it. Since then, I have coded my own blahg. It was annoying, because I do not have enough coding skills to make an automated blahg. Every time I’d want to update, I’d cringe knowing how much tedious work it is just to get a post up, update the RSS feed, etc. (My coding skillz are as sophisticated as the web was in 1995. Yeah. Time to change.) I have done a little research, and I think WordPress is the one I’ll be happy with. It will take a while to get the site back to looking like I want it, but please bear with me.

Change is nice. It’s a little like spring cleaning. The site will probably be a bit bumpy for a little while, seeing as how I still have school work to do, but in the mean time, sit tight, and wait for the new sparkle j dot com. (Note: if you have any links to the rest of the content on the site, like the crafts and what not, you can still access them. The only thing that’s changed is the main page. Just use your bookmarks, should you have any.)

Edit to add: I thought it would be funny if I added the first post when I made this blahg three years ago. Funny, eh?