Well, I was at a wedding yesterday, so I didn’t get to post on the game. We did get periodic updates from those who ventured into the bar (downstairs from where the reception was being held). Conveniently, the restrooms were located near the room with the television, so we didn’t have to be too rude when going down to check on the game. It was nice to know the score, but I missed not knowing the play by play action. Oh, well. It was a nice wedding, and I enjoyed catching up with friends who I don’t get to see very often. (Though I will see them in two weeks, and then the week after. Hooray!)
Tonight is game 4, and it might very well be the last game of the season. It’s funny. I’m not as excited tonight as I was for the first game. You’d think I’d be leaping around like an idiot (not that I was doing any such thing for game 1, but still). I’ll be excited once I turn on the telly, though. I wish I could be out in the Fenway tonight, though part of me is glad to be staying home. We’re making soup. I guess we’ll call it Victory Soup depending on the outcome of tonight’s proceedings. We do have a bottle of wine, so we’ll have to crack that open as well.
Okay! Here we go!!!
One question at the start of the game, though: What’s up with the panties, Colorado? Or are they hankies? I guess everyone’s got their quirks, but I’ve never heard of waving unmentionables around to rally your team to victory.
I know everyone’s all “we’re going to sweep,” but I’m wary of saying such things. We’ve been down three games before only to come back, so it’s not over yet, guys; I’m worried they’re going to be sitting on their laurels a bit. They’ve still got work to do. Though, I admit it’s really fun being being the ones who are up three games. Woot!
Well done, Trisha Yearwood. I also dig the ginormous flag. It reminds me of high school marching band when we pulled a huge flag over the band during one of our patriotic numbers. At one point, we lost control of it, and took out several members of the band. It was awesome, though.
Man, that Fred Willard makes me laugh. He’s the same character, whether he’s in a Christopher Guest movie, or just being himself.
Inning Numero Uno: Okie dokie, we’ve got Cook pitching, and he might be a bit rusty, but I don’t know much about him, so I can predict how he’ll do. But Baby Ellsbury just got a hit off him, so that’s a good start. And he’s home, batted in by El Grande Papi. And now Frumpy’s up. Come on, Frumpy, don’t let us down. Ooh, that was a good play, Rox. Right-O, Lester! Let’s go! I can’t quite make out what the crowd is chanting… it sounds a bit like “du hast!” or maybe “boo yah!” I really have no idea. The announcers need to address these important issues.
Inning 2: Wow, this inning is going by fast, guys. I hope Lugo gets up to bat. I really like that guy. Bummer. Well, we’ll see him later. Nice try, Ellsbury. He moved as fast as he could, but it was just too far to run. Man, that outfield really is HUGE. You could plant crops out there, and still have room to play the game. Yay, Lugo and Ortiz! Lugo is so fast on his feet. I wish I’d have seen that rad play he made yesterday. I think he’s a fantastic short stop. Whew! that was close!
Inning the Third: First, I’d like to say that I want Fenway to have an old-timey organ player. That would rule. Reminds me of that Eddie Izzard bit: neh-neh-neh-neh… Wow, that went fast. Cook isn’t allowing many hits, or at least not very many good hits. Sheesh. D’OH!! Oh, Frumpy! He misjudged that one. At least he was moving, though. We’ve got to keep up our defense, especially if we’re not going to get many hits off of Cook. Lester’s able to hold them back, though.
Four: Come on Papi! And it’s caught. Bummer. Hope Frumpy gets a hit here. We’re already at two outs. Argh.
Five: Okie doke, we’ve got Lowell on second. Let’s load ’em up! SAFE!! Woo hoo! Hee, their doing the drum-line thing here, too. That’s awesome. Somehow it doesn’t have the same acoustics as Fenway, though. Ack! Another strike-out. Woah, and I got distracted by Ravelry forums, and missed the end of the inning. Right-o! On to the sixth!
Inning number six: Dude, Manny almost made it on base. Cook just keeps the top of each inning moving so quickly. Yay, Ortiz and Manny to get the first two outs.
Lucky Seven: Dude! Who put gum on Matzuzaka’s hat? Lame! (but funny) Yay, Lowell!!! Wooooo! Good night, Cook! Yay, Tek on base! Keep it going, Lugo. Crap. Caught in the middle. Did the Lonestar guy need to point at the mountain? Well, I probably would have done the same thing. They look like surfers. Like, dude, God bless American, and stuff. And, I’m sorry, “the banquet beer?” I don’t think so. Anyway, back to the game. Wow, that was one helluva hit. Welcome to the scoreboard, Rox. (Wave those undies, Rockies fans. And, um, I think I just saw a guy gnawing on a pair.) Dang. Missed that one. Delacarmen is out, and Timlin is in. Is it just me, or do the folks at Coors field have more clapping patterns than we do? I think we need to be a bit more creative.
Eight, eight, the burning eight (between Sunday and Monday, lies a day so dark day will devastate): [sorry, couldn’t resist.] Dude! Good job Kielty! All game sitting on the bench, and he comes out with this! Woo! And wow, could any more guys have missed that hit? Ellsbury on base. Ugh. Will the commentators please shut up about A-Rod? Sheesh. Damn. Well played, Rockies. Well played. That was a beautiful double play. Ok, Ortiz is up. Put us back on base, Papi. I’ve never understood how you can have someone run for you. Eh, whatever. (I’m getting wicked sleepy. I don’t know why these games need to start so damned late. Argh.) And is it just me, or does anyone else get that Soul Coughing song in your head when you hear Papelbon’s name? You know, Super Paplebon Super Papelbon bon. Yeah. I think I need some sleep. Okajima is in, by the way. Forgot to mention that. Ah, shite. I was worried something like that would happen. Well played Rockies. Now we’re only up by one run. I’m not comfy with such a slim margin. Well, Papelbon is up. Let’s see what he can do to hold off the Rox. I think I may have just seen a kid holding a little Wally doll. Well caught, Crispy.
Ok, here it goes. Inning Nine: Bummer. Lowell out already. Come on Drew, we need to get on base. Darn. Come on Tek… bah! Ok, Sox, hold ’em back. I can’t keep staying up late! One out. Two to go. WOOOOOOOOO, Ellsbury in left field! Ok, only one out to go. There it is!!!! (whew! That was close!)
I want to see them Riverdance.