Watched the Germany/Italy match with MO yesterday, and Miss Kitty and Rachel came over to watch the Portugal/France match today. I didn’t really care who won the G/I match, but MK and R were for Portugal and I was for France, so we had a bit of a rivalry going. Sort of. Mostly we just laughed at the awesome commentating: “Garangarangarangaran!” and “Simaosimaosimaosimao!” for example.
At least the Portuguese team didn’t bring out the dramatics so much this time. There were only a few fake fouls: “Hey! I just pushed you and now I’m going to fall down melodramatically so I can pretend you just fouled me, Frenchy! Ha!” They were all about the foul-drawing when they played England the other day. Dude, I know Rooney kicked a guy in the crotch, but really, was the drama that necessary?
I’m pretty excited about the match Sunday, especially since we’re having a party to celebrate. Email me if you’d like to come.