Finally getting back into the reading groove. It’s something I’ve always loved, but never do enough of. Only three books this month, but a gal’s gotta start somewhere, right? Here we go:
Dear American Airlines, by Jonhathan Miles – I wrote about this a few weeks ago, so I’m not going to get into it again. Except to repeat: meh. (Goodreads review)
Pride and Prejudice and Zomibes, by Jane Austen and Seth Grahame-Smith – This was a lot of fun. I’m an Austen fan, and I do love me some zombies. A comedy of manners with some zombie ass-kicking. Good times. (Goodreads review)
Juliet, Naked, by Nick Hornby – Oh, how I do love me some Nick Hornby. Great characters, as with all of his books. Loved, loved, loved it. (Goodreads review)
Currently reading: Andromeda Klein, by Frank Portman. He wrote King Dork, which I’d like to re-read soon, since Salinger has just died, and the protag, Tom, has some fantasticly great things to say about the Catcher Cult that seems to have inducted as members all of the adults in his life. (woah, run-on sentence) I don’t, however, want to get back into the habit of re-reading things and not reading any new stuff. This year is all about reading things I’ve never read before, and I mean to stick to it for the most part.