rusty orange hat

I have only completed a couple of things off of that list from the other day. I wanted to make two skirts and an apron, but only got one skirt done. I did, however, finish M’s book. (And repaired it.) It is now wrapped and ready to hand over to her on Saturday, hooray! (Along with the last of the dish rags, which I’m sure she’s happy to see the end of.)

I’ve also finished the not-so-fun stuff that I was supposed to do (school stuff, mostly). I’ve gotten a couple more projects done that were not on that list (see previous post.)

Christmas knitting is now in full swing. For obvious reasons, I’m not going to post any details regarding presents for people who actually read this thing. Though, I might be surprised, I’m pretty sure my family doesn’t read it. (Hi Mom and Dad! Just in case.)

The hat above is going to be for one of my brothers. Here it is modeled by JeT. I tried it on, and it fits me just fine. I come from a large-headed family, so if it fits me, I’m sure it will fit my brother. For hat details, click through to Flickr.

I’ve got a chart with all the presents I need to make between now and Christmas. If I didn’t get the planning done before school started, I wouldn’t be able to stick to any sort of schedule. I’ve picked mostly really easy stuff to make, which is perfect for the trains. Anything a bit trickier (or larger) will be my at home knitting.

Interesting post, yes? I thought so.