After several days of not being able to connect to the internet at work (the horror) or having a computer set up at home (gasp) and then not being able to connect to the internet even when the computer was hooked up (double gasp), I am finally back online (hooray!)…

So, we’ve moved into the “Barn”… whee hoo! It’s pretty neat-o. I’ll be posting pictures over here so you should check those out. There will be some of the move out of the old apartment, and then some of us tooling around the new place. There won’t be too many pictures of boxes and dishevellment because the camera was full (we didn’t buy an extra card) and the batteries were low (we didn’t recharge them) while we were doing most of the unpacking. But the upstairs is still a wreck, so there should be lots of “before” photos from that. Then later in the summer, we’ll be posting more photos of us painting and whatnot. Way fun.

Hopefully, I’ll be able to have my scrapbook party some time soon, so I can get underway making the nifty book about the move and housey stuff. whee! stay tuned.

sleepie time now.

PS- after having been separated from the internet for several days, I’m currently downloading over four hundred emails of junkiness. Before my computer at work crapped out, I was able to at least get rid of some of the junk on webmail, but I haven’t been able to do that in a handfull of days.

PPS- went shopping today, and got some jeans and some shirts. My “best” pants were the ones with only one patch on them. whee.